These figures are no longer available. However, because the figures are extremely well proportioned and set in poses, you may use the photos as guides in your painting.
Late 1800's to Early 1900's Hard Rock Miners (Set of 10)
Use the photographs below as a painting guide.

1800's Chinese Railroad Workers (Set of 5)
You can paint them with your favorite colors or follow our
photographs as painting guides (see fronts and backs illustrated below).

Late 1800's to Early 1900's Log Camp and Logger (Set of 5)
These non-painted figures include:
Log camp lady
Standing logger with axe.
Logger swinging an axe with attachable arm
Two loggers with arms not attached that hold a saw
Use these photos as painting guides.

Sitting Figures (Set of
The set of sitting figures are very detailed and each in is a
different pose. They will fit well inside a passenger coach or just as easily
waiting at the station for their train to come.